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Book Towns: Forty Five Paradises of the Printed Word de Alex Johnson
Descripción - CrÃticas 'If you're and ink-and-paper loyalist, Alex Johnson's Book Towns: Forty-Five Paradises of the Printed Word (Frances Lincoln, $23), out this month, will soon be your favorite travel guide.' (Travel & Leisure 2018-04-01)'In the forthcoming Book Towns, journalist Alex Johnson catalogues these most charming of tourist destinations.' (Sarah Laskow Atlas Obscura 2018-03-12) Reseña del editor From Hay-on-Wye in Wales to Ureña in Spain, Fjaerland in Norway to Jimbochu in Japan, around 40 semi-official book towns now exist around the world. But until now, there has been no complete directory of their location, history and charm. Book Towns takes readers on a richly illustrated tour of these captivating, dedicated havens of literature, outlining the origins and development of each community, and offering practical travel advice. Explore bustling book markets in Calcutta and Buenos Aires, and pop-up shops in old churches, ferry waiting rooms and stables. A stylish and original guide, it is the perfect gift for both book lovers and travel enthusiasts. BiografÃa del autor Alex Johnson is a journalist, blogger and the author of A Book of Book Lists, Improbable Libraries, Bookshelf, and Shedworking: The Alternative Workplace Revolution. He runs the web sites Shedworking at www.shedworking.co.uk and Bookshelf at www.onthebookshelf.co.uk. Alex lives in St Albans, London with his wife, three children, and plenty of books from all over the world.
Detalles del Libro
- Name: Book Towns: Forty Five Paradises of the Printed Word
- Autor: Alex Johnson
- Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografÃa,Colecciones, catálogos y exhibiciones
- Tamaño del archivo: 14 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
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